
227. Brain-Gut Axis

During evolution, cyanobacteria absorbed carbon dioxide and released oxygen making our existence possible. They evolved as chloroplasts which adapted to life inside plant cells enabling photosynthesis to give us food. The same is the case with the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the human cell, which adapted to life inside the cell. Both mitochondria and chloroplasts still possess their own DNA.  Similarly, our intestine hosts hundreds of species of bacteria and fungi. They are responsible for the digestion of our food and providing us with nutrition. Current research indicates that they even control our behaviour through the brain-gut axis (vagus nerve) as 500 million neurons (half the percentage of the brain) are located in the intestine. This background helps us understand the following verses.  Krishna says, "The food that people prefer is also threefold, as also sacrifice (yagna) , austerity (tapah) and donation (danam) (17.7). Foods which increase longevity, pu

226. Gunas and Shraddha

Science graduates a student from ignorance to awareness of the physical world. For example, the time taken to empty a water tank with a hole at the bottom can vary based on the level of the student solving the problem. A seventh grader is taught to divide the total volume of the tank with the capacity of the hole to drain. However, a twelfth grader is asked to use calculus to arrive at the solution that takes gravity into consideration. As expected, the answers would vary in both cases and it is acceptable as a seventh grader is not expected to solve complex calculus equations. Similar situations arise on the path of spirituality where the preaching varies based on the level of ignorance of the practitioner. The Bhagavad Gita handles all such situations like a textbook from kindergarten to post graduation. Chapters sixteen and seventeen are those chapters where Krishna comes to an ignorant's level to explain.  After explaining divine and demonic natures, he suggests usi

224. Three Gates of Hell

In an ethics class, the teacher gives a lesson about being truthful and respecting elders. The next day, all the students by heart this lesson and repeat it in class. But one student says he couldn't learn the lesson and the teacher gets angry at that student as it was an easy lesson. The student explains that he lied yesterday to protect his brother from the anger of elders. This story illustrates the difference between 'Knowing' and 'Being'. The following verses are one such example, they are very easy to understand but difficult to realise when we go through them.  Krishna says, "Lust, anger and greed are three gates of hell leading to the destruction of self. Therefore, one should abandon all three (16.21). By turning away from these entrances to the realm of darkness, man does shreya (good to all) and thereby attains the supreme goal" (16.22).  To understand something, it is important to understand its contrast -like day and night. On man

223. Demon finds a Match

Krishna further describes the demonic natured and says, "With multiple minds, entangled in the web of delusion, addicted to the gratification of sensuous pleasures, they sink into a foul hell (16.16). Such self-conceited, stubborn people, intoxicated by pride and arrogance in wealth, perform the sacrifices hypocritically and without following the scriptural injunctions (16.17). Blinded by Ahankaar (I am a doer), power, arrogance, desire, and anger, these malicious men despise Me who dwells within them and within all other men (16.18). These cruel haters, perpetrators of evil and worst among men, I hurl again and again into demonic wombs in the spheres of transmigration (16.19). These ignorant souls take birth again and again in demonic wombs. Failing to reach Me, O Arjun, they gradually sink to the most abominable type of existence" (16.20).  Krishna earlier declared that HE is equally disposed to all living beings.  None is Dweshya (hateful) and none is Priya (dear) to Hi

222. Might might Not be Right

Krishna says that the demonic person thinks, “I have acquired this today and I shall now fulfill this desire of mine. This is mine, and tomorrow I shall have even more (16.13). I have killed this enemy and will slay other enemies too. I am the ruler among men; I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, powerful and happy (16.14). I am wealthy and well-born; Who else is equal to me? I will sacrifice, I will give, I will rejoice.” In this way, demonic persons are deluded by ignorance (16.15). This behaviour is usually seen as 'success'.  This is the language of ahankaar (sense of doership) which survives on comparison with others. A demonic person is gripped by ahankaar which gets a boost when success is attained in terms of acquiring more wealth when compared with others; when enemies are defeated or when one feels like a ruler after reaching the peak of the ladder. Comparison drives desires which includes the desire to have more and the desire to have sensual gratification. But there is

221. Ends Shouldn't Justify Means

Krishna continues about the demonic natured and says, "Believing that all this world is about fulfillment of bodily desires, such persons are engrossed till the moment of death in earthly anxieties (16.11). Held in bondage by hundreds of desires, lust and anger, they strive to accumulate wealth by unjust means, all for the gratification of their senses" (16.12). Anger is natural when desires are not fulfilled, thus they go hand in hand. Secondly, reigning in senses is one of the central preachings of the Bhagavad Gita.  When one has fixed accumulation as a target, the tendency is to use all of their energy towards achieving it. On this path, one tends to justify all the means to achieve the said target irrespective of the justness of the means. This process entails grabbing from someone else -it could be a property or credit for good work; it could be grabbing market share or grabbing the space in mind which is called 'influencing others' for selfish motives as is don

220. Beyond Logic

Krishna deciphered existence and said that it is the combination of prakriti (nature) and purush (spirit) both of which are beginningless. Gunas (qualities) and vikar (evolution or change) are born of prakriti (13.20). While prakriti is also responsible for cause and effect, purush experiences them as polarities of sukh (pleasure) and dukh (pain) (13.21). Krishna further clarified that HE is beyond perishable prakriti and even higher than imperishable purush , thus proclaimed as Purushottama (Supreme Being) (15.18). This recapitulation will help us understand the following verses.  Krishna says, "Those possessing a demonic nature do not know action from inaction. They neither possess purity nor proper conduct nor truthfulness (16.7). They say that the world is without absolute truth, without any foundation, without a Lord. It is nothing but born of mutual union (of male and female) caused by lustful desire"(16.8). Essentially, this is living a life at the level of