58. Desires and Four Stages of Life

Krishna says (2.67) that the mind, which follows roving senses, carries away one's intellect as the wind carries away the boat on the water. The wind is a metaphor for our desires which drives our mind and senses making intellect (boat) unstable. In the context of desires, life is divided into four stages namely Brahmacharya (bachelor), Grihast (householder), Vanaprastha (facing forest) and Sanyasa (renunciation) where division isn't just on age but also on the intensity of living. The first stage includes growing up, gathering theoretical knowledge and physical strength along with some basic skills. In the second stage, it's family, work, refining skills, gathering possessions and memories, exposure to various facets of life and gaining life experiences through pursuing passions and desires either with success or failure. Through this process, one attains a cocktail of knowledge, skill and life experiences which is the breeding ground for awareness. Tr...