129 - God Plays Dice

At the time of the creation of the universe, it was pure energy and matter formed subsequently. Scientifically, it is accepted that there were quantum fluctuations in terms of temperature, density and the ratio of matter-antimatter in the very early universe and there is no scientific reason for these variations. These fluctuations are responsible for the creation of matter and science agrees that God does play dice to create the diversity we see around us today. In this regard, Krishna says that his lower nature (prakriti) is eightfold. Fire, earth, water, air and space are for the material world and mann (mind), buddhi (intellect) and ahankaar for the living entities (7.4). Fire stands for the energy which has been in existence since the beginning. Energy was converted into matter which has a solid state (earth), liquid state (water) and gaseous (air). Space is needed to hold all of them. In the case of living entities, logic gates are needed for survival. ...