
Showing posts from August, 2022

129 - God Plays Dice

At the time of the creation of the universe, it was pure energy and matter formed subsequently. Scientifically, it is accepted that there were quantum fluctuations in terms of temperature, density and the ratio of matter-antimatter in the very early universe and there is no scientific reason for these variations. These fluctuations are responsible for the creation of matter and science agrees that God does play dice to create the diversity we see around us today.  In this regard, Krishna says that his lower nature (prakriti) is eightfold. Fire, earth, water, air and space are for the material world and mann (mind), buddhi (intellect) and ahankaar for the living entities (7.4). Fire stands for the energy which has been in existence since the beginning. Energy was converted into matter which has a solid state (earth), liquid state (water) and gaseous (air). Space is needed to hold all of them.  In the case of living entities, logic gates are needed for survival. ...

128. Every End is a Beginning

Krishna says, "I shall explain to you Jnana (knowledge) and Vijnana (wisdom). When you realise them, nothing more here remains to be known" (7.2). This is the path for mind oriented people through knowledge and wisdom. Earlier Krishna had given a path to heart oriented (Bhakti) people to "realise all beings in the self; self in all beings and see Him everywhere" (6.29) and nothing more remains to be known once this is known.  The current scientific conclusion is that something like the 'universe can be created out of nothing'. Our expanding universe was created in a Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Citing evidence from Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), it is argued that there was a universe before the present one. It is estimated that the universe would spread out very thin but 'the energy of empty space' would create another universe. It implies that it's a cyclic process of creation and dissolution.   This background ...

127. Learn to Listen, to Learn

A two dimensional map is used to represent a three dimensional territory. It's an easy, useful and convenient way, but has its limitations. We need to experience the territory to fully appreciate it. The same is the case with 'words' which attempt to describe a multidimensional life in terms of people, situations, thoughts, feelings and actions. But words too have many limitations.  Firstly, words are polar. If one is described as good we assume the other to be bad. There are hardly any words which can describe a state beyond polarities. Secondly, the same word evokes different feelings in different people depending on their experiences and circumstances. That's why some cultures use silence to communicate in order to overcome these limitations of multiple interpretations. Thirdly, we tend to stop at the literal meaning of words which is like knowing about the truth but not being truthful.  One such word is ME which is used by both Krishna and Arjun. While A...

126. Supremacy of the Yogi

  Krishna says, "The yogi is superior to the tapasvi (ascetic), superior to the jnani (a person of learning), and even superior to the karmi (ritualistic performer). Therefore, O Arjun, strive to be a yogi (6.46). Of all yogis, those whose minds are always absorbed in Me, and who engage in devotion to Me with great shraddha (trust/surrender), them I consider to be the most equilibrated" (6.47). Yoga is a union and yogi is the one who attained union with self. Krishna gave various facets of yogi at various instances. These include transcending polarities (dwandwa-ateeth); transcending gunas (guna-ateeth) realising that gunas are real kartha and he is just a sakshi ; equanimity (samatva) to friend and enemy or praise and criticism; performs unmotivated actions ( nishkaam karma ) like yagna; drops expectations about karma-phal (fruits of action) and above all, a yogi is content with self.  Tapasvi is someone who maintains strict discipline, sacrifices and vo...