143. When Work becomes Worship

In the context of knowing Him at the time of death, Krishna says, "Therefore, remember Me all times (sarveshu-kaleeshu-anusmra) and fight. With mind and intellect absorbed in Me you shall without doubt come unto Me" (8.7). We 'remember GOD' by worshipping him for some time in a day or by occasionally going to a place of worship or otherwise. Names of GODs and rituals performed might vary with different belief systems. Remembering GOD is usually for removing our difficulties or to attain possessions, power or fame. But here Krishna says "remember ME all the times", which looks impossible as we are not aware of how to pray at all times of the day. The clue to this riddle comes from the foundation of Bhakti Yoga which says 'to see all beings in the Self; Self in all beings; and see HIM everywhere' (6.29 and 6.30). When this existential truth is realised one realises Paramatma everywhere which is nothing but remembering HIM at all times. ...