218. Non-Violence

Krishna says, " Ahimsa (non-violence), Satyam (truthfulness), Akrodh (freedom from anger), Renunciation, Peacefulness, Non slanderousness, Compassion for all creatures, Absence of greed, Gentleness, Modesty, Lack of restlessness" (16.2) -are divine qualities. While ahimsa is a divine quality, the violent Kurukshetra battle presents a major barrier that one needs to cross to understand the Bhagavad Gita. Firstly, the answer to this paradox was given by Krishna earlier when he told Arjun that he would incur no sin if he fought the battle by maintaining the inner balance between pleasure-pain; gain-losses; and victory-defeat (2.38). This inner balance or samatva is nothing but ahimsa. Akrodh (freedom from anger), is another divine quality which is also a result of this inner balance. On the other hand, any action that comes out of imbalance is violence. Secondly, Krishna says that the best Yogi is he who feels for others, whether in grief or pleasure, even as he fee...