229. Types of Tapah
Like ahankaar , there are few words to explain tapa or tapah . Japah and tapah are intrinsically understood in all Indian cultures. As a compromise, it is translated as austerity or penance. Krishna says that tapah is of three types -of body, of speech and of mind. Krishna says, "The worship of the Devas , twice-born (first physical birth and later spiritual awakening), gurus , and wise; purity, uprightness, celibacy, and non-violence are considered tapah of body (17.14). Meditative communion with self, and uttering words that cause no agitation, that are truthful, pleasant, and beneficial are declared as tapah of speech (17.15). The serenity of mind, kindliness, silence, self-control, and purity of character are declared as tapah of mind" (17.16). These verses elevate our general understanding of tapah in that they can be performed at the level of body, at the level of words we speak and at the level of our thoughts. After describing three types of tapah ...