255. Embracing Existence

Krishna says, "The Supreme Lord dwells in the hearts of all living beings, and by His maya (cosmic delusion) makes all beings revolve as if attached to a yantra (machine)" (18.61). This is another way of saying that we are just a Nimitta Maatra -an instrument in the hands of the almighty. Krishna explained the same in a different way when He said that even if Arjun, out of Ahankaar , thinks that he will not fight his nature will still compel him to fight (18.59); we will be driven to do karmas, even when we don't want to do, out of our swa-bhav (material nature) (18.60). 'Existence' is the coherence of the manifested, like the perishable physical entities, and the un-manifested which is eternal but can't be perceived by our senses. Krishna earlier explained this through the example of a string of pearls. The pearls representing manifested and the invisible string representing the un-manifested. Both of them together form a beautiful necklace. Krishna ...