103. Roots of Virtue and Sin

Krishna says that the Prabhu (Lord) creates neither doership nor actions nor union with fruits of action for the world. The delusive cosmic nature is the originator of all these (5.14). The Lord is not a kartha (doer) but a Sristha (creator or creativity). There are two types of creations. One is like a potter who creates pottery and the creation (pot) gets separated from the creator for independent existence. Another is like a dancer who is creating dance but dance (creation) won't be there in the absence of the dancer. The Lord is like a dancer where the entire universe is dependent on him but he is not dependent on it. That's why dancing Shiva is depicted as Natraj and musician Krishna as Murari . The Lord can also be seen as a catalyst in a chemical reaction where the presence of a catalyst makes the chemical reaction happen. The catalyst itself doesn't undergo any change. Krishna further says that the all pervading takes no account of anyone's virt...