101. Emulating the Lotus Leaf

Every physical system, including life, takes different inputs and produces certain outputs. We constantly measure or judge our outputs like words and deeds. We also judge the deeds of others as well as different situations around us. In fact, in the evolutionary process, judging threats was very important for survival itself. However, the issue is in the absence of standards for judging deeds and we often depend on ignorance based perceptions and belief systems. We feel happy and satisfied whenever we encounter a deed done which conforms to our belief system. 

In this connection, Krishna says, "He who is united by yoga, who has purified and conquered self, subdued his senses, who realises his Self as the self in all beings, is not tainted although acting" (5.7). This is an assurance from the Lord as to when our deeds are not tainted. 

Krishna says karmas are not tainted when performed by someone who is purified i.e. free of hatred and desires (5.3) and who has realised his self as the self in all beings. The point to be noted is that when one sees his self in all beings then there is no way that one performs tainted actions or crimes. On the contrary, all our actions are tainted, when performed through the lens of division of us and them. 

When it comes to judging the situations around us, Krishna says that he who, dedicating his actions to Brahman , acts abandoning sangam (unity/attachment), is not tainted by sin as a lotus leaf by water. (5.10)

When our deeds as well as those of others are dedicated to the Lord, there is no scope for division. The situations we then face will appear to be dramas and plays, where we play our part and Krishna compares this with the lotus leaf.


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