116. Spirituality Simplified

The common observation one makes about the spiritual path is that it is difficult to follow. Krishna earlier assured such people (2.40) that small efforts bring big gains in Karma Yoga. He further makes it simple when he says, "He who appropriately (yukta) eats, relaxes, works, sleeps, and remains awake will find yoga the destroyer of suffering (6.17)." Yoga or spiritual path is as simple as eating when hungry; Working when it is time to work; Sleeping or relaxing when it is time to sleep and relax. Anything more than this is a story that we tell ourselves and others. A baby requires more sleep than an old person. Our requirements regarding food might vary based on the physical activity of the day indicating that 'appropriately' means being aware in the present moment. The same was earlier referred to as the bounded action (6.1), prescribed duties (4.17) or obligatory actions (3.8). On the contrary, our minds extrapolate from simple facts and add our i...