239. Three Types of Karta and Karma
Understanding karta (doer) and karma (action) is one of the most complex issues of life. Bhagavad Gita explains about these complexities at various places. Krishna cautioned that even the wise are confounded about the subtleties of karma and akarma (inaction or reaction) (4.16). Krishna explained that detachment or sacrifice of cosmic energy capable of creation ( bhuta-bhava-udbhava-karo visargah ) is called karma (8.3) which is another complex issue. Niyat karma (prescribed or obligatory action) is also an area of confusion. Krishna gave an easy path and advised to maintain inner balance while performing any karma . He also advised the use of the sword of wisdom (4.41) to remove doubts about karma . After elaborating that karma , karta and knowledge are of three types each based upon gunas, Krishna explains about karma and says, "A niyat karma (obligatory action) free from raag (attachment) and dwesh (aversion), and done without desire for fruits of action...