23. Soul is Un-Manifested

Krishna tells Arjun (2:25) that this ( atma /soul) is said to be unmanifested, inconceivable and unchangeable, once you are aware of this, there is no need to grieve for the physical body. Krishna further says that (2:28) all the beings are unmanifest before their birth, they manifest between their birth and death and once again unmanifest after their death. Many cultures use the ocean and wave analogy to explain the same. The ocean represents unmanifest and wave represents manifest. Waves arise from the ocean for some period of time and they manifest in different sizes, shapes, intensities etc. Our Indriyas (senses) can only sense the manifest i.e. waves. Finally waves merge back into the ocean from where they arose. Similarly, a seed holds the potential to grow into a tree. In the seed, the tree is present in its unmanifested form. It becomes manifested when it starts growing into a tree. It ultimately dies after producing many seeds. Manifested is...