56. Cause and Effect in Spirituality

Krishna says (2.65) that the intellect of the content is steady and all their dukh (sorrows) are destroyed. This runs contrary to our understanding that we become content once our desires are fulfilled and we attain sukh and destroy dukh. But Krishna tells us to first be content and that the rest automatically follows. 

For example, we conclude that we are not healthy if we have symptoms like fever, aches etc. The suppression of these symptoms won't make us healthy unless the underlying condition is treated. On the other hand, a nutritious diet, good sleep, fitness regime etc. provide us with good health. 

Similarly, bhay (fear), krodh (anger) and dwesh (hatred), which are a part of dukh, are indications of lack of contentment and their suppression won't automatically make us content. 

Many quick fixes have been preached and practiced to suppress these indications to put up acceptable behaviour. But this accumulated suppression comes back with greater vigour later. For example, suppressed anger against the boss is often vented against subordinates or family members.

The path for contentment is to be aware of the polar nature of the world, the awareness about karma (action) without expectation of karmaphal (fruits of action) and awareness that we are not the kartha (doer) but the sakshi (witness) to our actions, thoughts and feelings. 
The unmanifested part of us -dehi/atma (soul) is always contended and the sorrows are minor aberrations that arise out of misplaced identification with manifested, like the illusionary snake in the rope-snake analogy. 
Krishna elsewhere tells (2.45) us to be Atmavaan (content with self) and Atmaraman (union with self) to indicate this identification which makes us free of sorrow. It's neither suppression nor expression of dukh but being able to witness and transcend them.


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