97. Sword of Wisdom.

Krishna says, "He who has relinquished work by yoga and has torn apart his doubts by wisdom, becomes poised in the self; actions don't bind him (4.41). Therefore, take shelter in yoga by cutting this ignorance-borne doubt dwelling in your heart with the sword of wisdom." (4.42) Krishna advises us to use the sword of wisdom to free ourselves from the bondage of action (karma-bandhan)

'Regret' is the name of karma-bandhan suffered by us for both executed and unexecuted actions which result in the damage of things or relationships. Similarly, 'blame' is the name of karma-bandhan for actions or inactions of others affecting our lives negatively. The sword of wisdom is the only instrument that helps us extricate ourselves from the complex web of regret and blame.

The fourth chapter of the Gita is called 'Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga'. It starts with how paramatma performs karmas and goes on to tell us that all karmas should be performed like yagna of selfless actions. Then Krishna brings the aspect of wisdom when he says that all actions so performed, without exception culminate in wisdom (4.33). In the title, Jnana stands for wisdom or awareness and Sanyasa being renunciation. This indicates that renunciation is doing Karma with awareness. Renunciation is not the path of escape or shirking responsibility by giving up worldly things or professions. For Krishna renunciation is doing our karmas that are handed over to us by existence with awareness and wisdom to the best of our ability. In fact, there is no real escape as the wisdom required for peace is within us, waiting to be discovered. 

When we are filled with awareness and wisdom, even hell becomes heaven; conversely, an ignorant mind can also turn heaven into hell. The key is inner transformation.


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