122. It is Him

Coming as paramatma, Krishna says that for he who perceives me everywhere and sees all in me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to me (6.30). This verse is the foundation for Bhakti Yoga where practitioners perceive paramatma everywhere and in every situation. 

The mantra of 'IT IS HIM' -IT being any person or a thing or a situation, can do miracles if we let it go deeper by repetition. Once we realise this, we will be able to see the paramatma whether that person is a friend or enemy; helping or hurting; praising or criticising; whether a thing is valuable like gold or invaluable like stone; situations which are favourable or unfavourable; frightening or pleasant; moments of pleasure or pain; winning or losing; and the list goes on. 

Krishna says in whatever way people are devoted to me, in that measure I manifest myself to them (4.11) and to me none is hateful and none is dear (9.29). This needs to be kept in mind to understand when Krishna says in an intriguing way that I never lose sight of him who perceives me everywhere. This implies that the measure of divisiveness in us indicates our distance to paramatma

He further assures that he who, established in oneness, worships me abiding in all beings, that yogi dwells in me, whatever be his mode of living (6.30). It's about what we are but not about what we do or what we have. 

The physical world is characterised by polarities of pleasure and pain. Irrespective of the mode of living like being rich or influential, we are still subject to pain polarities of anger, tension and frustration. That's why Krishna tells us to establish ourselves in oneness which will transcend us beyond polarities and divisiveness.


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