243. Gunas are behind divisions
Krishna says, "I have created four varnas (divisions) based on differentiation of gunas and karmas, but know Me to be the non-doer and immutable (4.13). Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras perform karmas according to the gunas springing from their nature" (18.41).
Firstly, our divisive mind builds hierarchies
around us. Secondly, falsehood is nothing but a manipulated truth. Together, a
falsehood was built that the divisions are based on birth and are hierarchical.
But, the simple truth is that humans are of four types because of the gunas and
karmas. Moreover, this division is not a tool to judge a person. These facts
need to be kept in mind while understanding verses dealing with varnas or
castes which still dominate the social and political fabric of our society.
While explaining gunas, Krishna says,
"Three gunas of satva, rajas and tamas bind the soul (14.5). Satva binds
through attachment to knowledge (14.6). Rajas binds the embodied soul through
attachment to action (14.7). Tamas binds through sleep" (14.8).
Essentially, each guna binds us in one way or another.
One guna may be dominant in us throughout our
lives determining our personality. But, each day of our life is a product of
the interplay of these gunas. For
example, when we are given a task in the office which requires additional
knowledge, satva helps us to attain it. Rajas is the desire to execute tasks as
per the deadline. By the end of the day when we get tired, tamas helps us with
sleep. Similarly, if we are driving to a new place, knowing the direction is satvik
and driving is rajas.
Binding is another name for guna and dependence
on them is bondage. Golden handcuffs don't make bondage any better than iron
ones. Guna-ateeth is transcending this bondage to attain ultimate freedom where
gunas become tools.
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