244. Characteristics of Divisions

 The evolution of life is a product of divisions and differences. But there is  'oneness' behind these divisions like an invisible thread supporting different pearls to form a necklace (7.7, 7.8). The game is to develop the ability to see that 'oneness' among the illogical and unreasonable divisiveness we see around us. This can be attained through awareness about 'oneness' and by attaining balance in our actions (2.38, 6.16).

Krishna mentioned about four divisions that happen based on gunas and karmas. He says, "Tranquility, restraint, austerity, purity, patience, integrity, knowledge, wisdom, and faith —are the natural qualities of a Bhramana springing from their own nature (18.42). Valor, strength, fortitude, dexterity, not fleeing from battle, charity, and leadership abilities are the natural qualities of Kshatriyas springing from their own nature (18.43). Agriculture, dairy farming, and commerce are the natural qualities of Vaishyas. Actions that are service oriented are the natural quality of Shudras" (18.44).

Firstly, these divisions are neither based on birth nor are they hierarchical nor are they indicators of competence. As in the case of gunas where the game is to transcend them to be Guna-ateeth, the challenge is to transcend these divisions to be with ''oneness' especially when we are identified with one of these divisions.

Secondly, One guna broadly dominates us throughout our lives. But we keep wading through different gunas in a day. The same thing happens with these divisions.

Thirdly, sometimes we help ourselves to gain knowledge, power or money and sometimes we serve others like family, friends, coworkers etc. This reflects that we keep oscillating between these divisions with time.

Fourthly, in the past century, the world has moved from an agrarian economy to an industrial one to a service oriented economy. Thus, since external factors also keep changing with time there is no place for one quality or division to dominate.


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